Friday 1 July 2016

Careers Handbook

Task 1:

     " I’m good at working in groups"                                               

1. Perform in shows with casts of 50 people

2. I have created many media pieces in small groups

3. I can pitch ideas to groups in lessons

"I’m creative"                                               
 1. I have a portfolio of work I have done

 2. I’m a self taught artist

 3. I’ve taken many creativity based courses

" I’m proficient at using ICT"                                              

   1. I’m good with programs such as Premiere Pro and Photoshop

 2. I’m confident working on different devices

 3. I run several social media accounts for small businesses

Task 2:
I am currently studying A Level English Literature and BTEC level 3 Film and TV at Sixth Form. To get into my chosen college I would need 240 UCAS points, which is equivalent to C/B and Merit grades. I do not currently have a full time job but have worked Part-Time as a party entertainer and Photographer.

Task 3: 
1.      Costume Design- Freelance, but could be possibly permanent if it’s with a particular company. Would involve pitching ideas and researching heavily, creating mock ups and designs and assisting with creating the pieces. Experience needed depends on the scale of production.

2.      Storyboard Artist- Would involve looking at the script and working out how scenes would looks on screen, would probably need a form of creative degree. Likely a member of staff if it’s for one company or show.

3.      Theatre Design- Involves measuring out stages and areas to see what will fit, working out what backdrops or props are needed and how they should. Would probably need a degree in Design and would work freelance. 

Task 4:
·         National Press* National Press refers to Newspapers that cover a large range of topics, but are sold in a particular area. They would likely include job adverts with companies advertising themselves.
·         Trade Press* Trade Press refers to newspapers or magazines that cover a particular area or field. For example, art magazines. These will likely have people advertsing their recruitment.

·         Internet* (for recruitment) Many companies have their own websites and social media accounts and may often post about upcoming recruitments there, websites may also have a way for people to apply.

·         Trade Fairs* Trade fairs are exhibitions created so that companies can show of their latest products. It is possible for people to get more information about the companies they want to apply for.
·         Word of Mouth: This just refers to anything spoken. It can be that you heard about a job opportunity from someone or if you mention that you’re searching and somebody happens to know of a place.

·         Personal Contacts & Networking: If you know someone that works for a company, it’s possible that they would be able to get you an interview by recommending you to people higher up.  You’d also likely hear about job opportunities if you’re connected to people in your trade.

·         Internal Promotion: If you work a smaller job, such as an intern or runner, it’s possible for you to be promoted to a higher position if your employees believe you’re capable of doing it or if they 
need extra people working on something.

Task 5:

Xene Morrison

Key Skills

·         Proficiency in all areas of Microsoft Office, including Access, Excel, Word and PowerPoint
·         Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal
·         Large amount of experience working in groups

Employment History

Party Entertainer, Just Kids Parties
(April 2014 –2016)

Achievements and responsibilities:

Planning transport and Travel to locations
Organising Payment and Bank accounts
Working in partners to run a party


Benjamin Britten High School

 (September 2012 – June 2014)

·         English – B
·         Mathematics – C

East Norfolk
 (September 2014 – June 2016)

A Level in English Literature, Btec in Film and TV

Hobbies & Interests

I am involved in several amateur Dramatics groups where I both perform onstage and work offstage, which has allowed me to become very confident working with other people.


References are available upon request.

Task 6: 
·         Portfolio/e-portfolio:  A portfolio is a collection of all the work you’ve made that is relevant to what you’re applying for. For example, if you want to apply for work in the art industry it would likely contain drawings or photos of sculptures. I have used portfolios in applications to universities. An E-Portfolio is similar, but it is online which is better for work such as videos.

·         Showreel: A showreel is a short video of the applicants work. This is usually for people applying for acting roles, as they can broadcast their previous acting jobs.

·         Personal website: If you create a personal website it’s fully yours to edit, so you can upload any work on there. Also, being able to code for a website would lend you extra skills if applying to a relevant job. 

Task 7: 

 ·         Interviewing skills: Asking and answering questions well, dressing appropriately, being polite

·         Presentation skills: Appearing confident, knowing a lot about the topic, being able to answer queries,
·         Self‐presentation
o   linguistic codes: Speaking clearly, not mumbling, not being inappropriate i.e. no swearing

o   dress codes: Right level of formality, clean, shoes you can walk in,

o   interpersonal skills: Hand shakes, eye contact, good posture

References: Well organised, relevant

Task 8:

·         Training on the job & continuing professional development: Training that takes place in a working environment. It can involve first hand experience or observing other workers.

·         Self‐training: When someone teaches themselves a skill without the intervention of someone higher.

·         Sources of information
o   Trade unions: An organisation of people within a certain trade created to protect their rights.

o   Sector Skills Councils: An organisation that is employer led which helps support employees

o   Careers services: Is a service within an educational environment where people can help students and staff further their careers.

Task 9: 

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